Selamat Datang di EraFILM - Tempatnya Download Film Gratis! ::: PERHATIAN!: Jika anda pengguna dan pengunjung pertama di blog ini, Sebaiknya anda membaca dengan teliti semua Peraturan dan Tahap-tahap yang ada. Hal itu diharapkan karena supaya anda bisa mengerti dengan semua permasalahan saat anda melakukan Browsing atau download di Blog ini ::: PENTING!: Jika anda akan melakukan unduhan di blog ini, Sangat Disarankan anda untuk mengecek konten-konten yang ingin anda unduh dengan melihat status disetiap konten, Hal itu juga diharapkan karena supaya tidak ada kekecewaan dari anda akan konten yang sudah anda unduh. Terima Kasih ::: INFO!: Link mati atau tidak terdeteksi? Segera laporkan ke Pusat permasalahan kami! .:::. ATTENTION!: We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message posted except those from the forum leaders. The messages express the views of their authors, not necessarily the views of EraFILM .:::.

Sabtu, 04 April 2009



Some of the data and the subject of all matter in the EraFILM, covering all the content in the form of pictures, videos, links, or file download can clarify as follows:

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2. EraFILM will not bear all the risks that happening to users or visitors, the data / materials that have been taken / downloaded.

3. Data / Content that is on EraFILM not a production / the upload / copyrights owned by us. Any data that has been served, there are copyright their own production, which has been in put

4. All Files or data that has been downloaded / used / Distributed / sold freely by the downloader, not a responsibility of EraFILM

5. EraFILM absolutely no charge for any data / files / materials available.

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